蔡明亮 Mingliang Cai | |
Deputy Director, Professor | |
Research Interest: Riemannian geometry, mathematical relativity | |
陈浩 Hao Chen | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: representation theory | |
陈文钊 Wenzhao Chen | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: low dimensional topology, knot theory, Floer homology | |
董俊斌 Junbin Dong | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: representation theory | |
段炼 Lian Duan | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: Arithmetic geometry, Algebraic geometry | |
![]() | 丁之元 Zhiyuan Ding |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest:Langlands Programme, Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, Number Theory | |
丁涛 Tao Ding | |
博士后Postdoctoral | |
Research Interest: Functional data analysis, machine learning, and non-Euclidean statistics | |
Tarun Dalal | |
博士后Postdoctoral | |
Research Interest: Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry | |
Engin Basakoglu | |
博士后Postdoctoral | |
Research Interest: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Harmonic Analysis | |
葛淑菲 Shufei Ge | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: Monte Carlo method, Machine learning, space division | |
皇甫振国 Zhenguo Huangfu | |
博士后Postdoctoral | |
Research Interest:Geometric group theory, bounded cohomology | |
Yohsuke Imagi | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: symplectic geometry,geometric analysis | |
蒋诗晓 Shixiao Jiang | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
研究兴趣:算子估计,流形学习,非线性色散波 | |
Promit Kundu | |
博士后Postdoc | |
Research Interest: Algebraic Geometry and Mathematical Physics. | |
李龙 Long Li | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: complex geometry, complex analysis | |
马骐骁 Qixiao Ma | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: Arithmetic Geometry | |
刘翀 Chong Liu | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: complex geometry, complex analysis Research Interest: Rough Path Analysis and its applications in mathematical finance and data science | |
Daniel Skodlerack | |
副教授 Tenured Associate Professor | |
Research Interest: representation theory, Langlands program | |
孙伟 Wei Sun | |
副教授 Associate Professor | |
Research Interest: partial differential equations, geometric analysis | |
涂君武 JunWu Tu | |
助理所长,正教授 Assistant Director, Professor(Tenured) | |
Research Interest: noncommutative geometry, mirror symmetry, data science | |
王强 Qiang Wang | |
教学助理教授 Teaching Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: mathematical physics, mirror symmetry, algebraic geometry | |
汪湜 Shi Wang | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: differential geometry, geometric topology, geometric group theory and dynamical systems | |
汪时嘉 Shijia Wang | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
研究兴趣:贝叶斯统计、机器学习、生物信息 | |
薛博卿 Boqing Xue | |
教学副教授 Teaching Associate Professor | |
Research Interest: analytic number theory, combinatorics | |
姚成建 Chengjian Yao | |
副教授 Tenured Associate Professor | |
Research Interest: differential geometry, geometric analysis,mathematical Physics | |
岳海天 Haitian Yue | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: partial differential equations | |
张子宇 Ziyu Zhang | |
助理所长,副教授 Tenured Associate Professor | |
Research Interest: algebraic geometry, moduli spaces | |
张正 Zheng Zhang | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: algebraic geometry | |
曾鹏程 Pengcheng Zeng | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest: algebraic geometry Research Interest: Statistics, Data Science and Bioinformatics | |
翟佳羽 Jiayu Zhai | |
助理教授 Assistant Professor | |
Research Interest:Numerical Methods, Data-Driven Methods, PINN, Uncertainty Quantification, Stochastic Analysis | |