Insitute of Mathematical Science

Tarun Dalal



 ShanghaiTech University (PostDoctoral Fellow): August 2023-present

•  Harish-Chandra Research Institute (PostDoctoral Fellow): January 2023-August 2023




• Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (PhD): July 2017 - November 2022

• Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (M.Sc): July 2015 -  May 2017

• University of Kalyani (B.Sc): August 2011 - May 2014


Research Interest



My area of interest is Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry. More precisely, I am mainly interested in studying rational points on modular curves. My secondary research focus is studying the arithmetic properties of Drinfeld modular forms.

Selected Publication

• A Basis for the space of weakly holomorphic Drinfeld modular forms of level $T$, Journal of Number Theory 258(2024), no. 5, 122-145.

• Intermediate modular curves with infinitely many cubic points over $\mathbb{Q}$, International Journal of Number Theory, 20 (2024), no. 3, 701--713.

• The structure of Drinfeld modular forms of level $\Gamma_0(T)$ and applications (joint with Dr. Narasimha Kumar). J. Algebra 619 (2023), 778–798.

• Infinitely many cubic points for $X_0^+(N)$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ (joint with Dr. Francesc Bars). Acta Arith. 206 (2022), no. 4, 373–388.

• On Mod p congruences for Drinfeld Modular forms of level pm (joint with Dr. Narasimha Kumar), Journal of Number Theory 228 (2021), no. 11, 253-275.



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