Insitute of Mathematical Science

IMS Inner Seminar 2 : Hypersymplectic geometry and its G2 companion

Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time: Thursday, September 26th, 2024 , 14:30-15:20

Location:IMS, RS408

SpeakerChengjian Yao, ShanghaiTech

Abstract: Hypersymplectic structure on a four-manifold is a triple of symplectic structures that satisfy a quaternionic-like structure point-wisely. As a special class of symplectic Calabi-Yau surfaces, its classification could be potentially achieved by the so-called hypersymplectic flow. In the talk, I will briefly introduce the origin of symplectic geometry from classical mechanics, the relation between hypersymplectic and hyperKahler structures, and our work on the existence and convergence of the hypersymplectic flow in recent years (joint with Joel Fine and Weiyong He). If time permits, I will also introduce the more general G2 geometry in seven dimension, which is modeled on the pertinent octonions.
