Insitute of Mathematical Science

Applied Mathematical Seminar86: Thermodynamically Consistent Phase Field Modeling Computation and Application in Moving Contact Line Problems and Vesicle Interactions

Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time: Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 , 10:00-11:00

Location:IMS, RS408

Speaker: Ping Lin, University of Dundee

Abstract: We will first show how to develop a thermodynamically consistent phase field model for the binary incompressible (quasi-incompressible) fluid, which allows for the different properties (densities, viscosities and heat conductivities) of each fluid component. A sharp-interface limit analysis is carried out to show that the interfacial conditions of the classical sharp-interface conditions can be recovered or developed. We then apply the modelling method to derive a model for variable density moving contact line problems. Energy law preserving computational methods are developed for variable density models. A few illustrative computational examples will be presented. At the end we will show how to apply the modelling method to vesicle motions through a narrowed channel. This talk is based on a few joint papers with Zhenlin Guo, Lingyue Shen, Shixin Xu, Zhiliang Xu and Huaxiong Huang.
