Mini-Course| Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Time:June 19, Wednesday 16:30-17:30; June 20, Thursday 16:00-17:00; June 21, Friday 15:00-16:00
Location:IMS, RS408
Speaker:Vamsi Pingali, Indian Institute of Science
Abstract:The Nakai-Moishezon criterion is a purely algebro-geometric numerical criterion for the ampleness of a line bundle. There are several such examples of numerical criteria for producing pointwise positive forms. I shall give an overview of such criteria as applied to Kahlerness (Demailly-Paun), the J-equation (the Lejmi-Szekelyhidi Conjecture), and if time permits, similar results (or no-go theorems) for vector bundles. Then some details on the proofs will be provided (focussing largely on the Demailly-Paun Theorem in the projective case).