Colloquium| Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Time: Friday, June 07th, 2024 , 16:00-17:00
Location:IMS, RS408
Speaker: Kotaro Kawai (河井公大朗), BIMSA
Abstract: Manifolds with exceptional holonomy are considered to be analogous to the Calabi-Yau manifolds and have canonical calibrations. We can also consider the analogue of the mirror symmetry in the exceptional setting in a certain sense, and we can define the “mirrors” of calibrated submanifolds. They are also related to G2-instantons, which are higher dimensional analogue of ASD connections. In this talk, after introducing these outlines, I would like to explain the properties of the “mirrors” of calibrated submanifolds, such as the similarities to calibrated submanifolds and G2-instantons. I will also talk about the “mirrors” of minimal submanifolds and a certain monotonicity formula for them.