Colloquium| Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Time: Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 , 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Zhiyou Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: P-adic geometry studies geometric objects over p-adic numbers, it has many applications in number theory and algebraic geometry. P-adic geometry is first developed by Tate in 1960s, under the name of rigid analytic spaces. The theory has been tremendously expanded by Berkovich and Huber in 1990s with the introduction of Berkovich spaces and adic spaces. More recently, Kedlaya-Liu and Scholze introduce the perfectoid spaces, which is a special class of adic spaces, then Scholze proceeds further by developing a completely new p-adic geometry called diamonds. A more spectacular development in the past few years is the new theory of analytic geometry of Clausen-Scholze, which aims to unify all existing analytic geometry, both archimedean and non-archimedean. I will introduce the basic concepts of p-adic geometry. Time permitting, I will discuss some applications of the theory, including my own works.