Insitute of Mathematical Science

Applied Mathematical Seminar 48: Efficient Numerical Methods for the Integral Fractional Laplacian

Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time: MondayNovember 27th, 2023 , 11:00-12:00
LocationRS408, IMS

Speaker: Zhaopeng Hao, Researcher (Professor equivalent), Southeastern University (China)

郝朝鹏于2017年东南大学计算数学博士毕业,后于2020年获得伍斯特理工学院数学学科博士学位。2020年8月至2023年5月担任普渡大学Golumb访问助理教授,2023年7月入职东南大学担任上岗研究员。研究领域为科学计算和数值分析。现研究兴趣包括分数阶偏微分方程和随机微分方程数值解,以及偏微分方程的机器学习应用。目前共发表论文二十多篇。其中多篇一作文章发表在计算数学国际知名期刊 MCOM., SIAM 系列以及国际知名计算数学物理期刊JCP 等。 

Abstract: Due to its extraordinary modeling capabilities, the nonlocal fractional-order Laplacian has recently attracted increasing scientific and engineering attention in the past decade. However, the nonlocal operators bring up new challenges in discretization, computation and analysis for the associated PDEs. To cope with these difficulties, we present two efficient numerical methods, the radial basis functions and neural-network methods. For both methods, we discuss their convergence analysis. Some numerical examples are provided to demonstrate their efficiency and accuracy.
