Insitute of Mathematical Science

Applied Mathematical Seminar27: 自适应原子/连续多尺度耦合方法

Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time:Wednesday, May 10th, 2023, 16:00-17:00
Location:RS408, IMS

Speaker: Hao Wang, Sichuan University

AbstractAtomistic/continuum (a/c) coupling method is an important method for the simulation of microscopic material and atomistic systems with defects. Adaptivity has been part of the method since it was first developed about thirty years ago. In this talk, we present our mathematical and numerical study of the adaptive a/c based on an adaptive finite element framework. We will begin with a one-dimensional model and extend the analysis to more complicated but realistic two-dimensional defects, while pointing out the difference and difficulty of the adaptive a/c compared with the adaptive FEM and how to possibly make the simulations efficient. A few challenges will be concluded at the end of this talk.
