Insitute of Mathematical Science

Applied Mathematics Seminar 8: From conditional quantile regression to marginal quantile estimation with applications to missing data and causal inference

Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Time:Friday, November 18th, 2022, 15:30-16:45 
Location:RS408, IMS; Online, Tecent Meeting
Speaker:  Huijuan Ma, East China Normal University

AbstractIt is well known that information on the conditional distribution of an outcome variable given covariates can be used to obtain an enhanced estimate of the marginal outcome distribution. This can be done easily by integrating out the marginal covariate distribution from the conditional outcome distribution. However, to date, no analogy has been established between marginal quantile and conditional quantile regression.

This paper provides a link between them. We propose two novel marginal quantile and marginal mean estimation approaches through conditional quantile regression when some of the outcomes are missing at random. The first of these approaches is free from the need to choose a propensity score. The second is double robust to model misspecification: it is consistent if either the conditional quantile regression model is correctly specified

or the missing mechanism of outcome is correctly specified. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the two estimators are established, and the second double robust estimator achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound. Extensive simulation studies are performed to demonstrate the utility of the proposed approaches. An application to causal inference is introduced. For illustration, we apply the proposed methods to a job training program dataset.

Tecent Meeting Room Number: 702-6472-0755
