Insitute of Mathematical Science

张正 Zheng Zhang


 2020.7-present, Assistant Professor, ShanghaiTech University

 2018.8-2020.5, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder

 2015.8-2018.8, Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University


 2009.8-2014.12, Ph.D. in Mathematics, Stony Brook University (Advisor: Radu Laza)

 2005.9-2009.6, B.S. in Mathematics, Zhejiang University


Research Interest

My research interest is algebraic geometry. In particular, I am interested in Hodge theory and its geometric applications, special varieties (e.g. K3 surfaces, cubic hypersurfaces, hyper-Kähler varieties), and geometric and motivic realizations of variations of Hodge structure over Hermitian symmetric domains.


Selected Publications


1. (with S. Casalaina-Martin) The moduli space of cubic surface pairs via the intermediate Jacobians of Eckardt cubic threefolds, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 104 (2021),no,1,1-34

2. (with G. Pearlstein) A generic global Torelli theorem for certain Horikawa surfaces, Algebr. Geom. 6 (2019), no. 2, 132–147.

3. On motivic realizations of the canonical Hermitian variations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type over type D domains, Canad. Math. Bull. 62 (2019), no. 1, 209-221.

4. (with R. Laza and G. Pearlstein) On the moduli space of pairs consisting of a cubic threefold and a hyperplane, Adv. Math. 340 (2018), 684-722.

5. (with P. Gallardo and J. Martinez-Garcia) Compactifications of the moduli space of plane quartics and two lines, Eur. J. Math. 4 (2018), 1000-1034.

6. (with R. Laza) Classical period domains, Recent advances in Hodge theory, 3-44, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 427, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2016.

7. A realization for a Q-Hermitian variation of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type with real multiplication, Math. Res. Lett. 22 (2015), no. 3, 967-982.






Office: S415, School of Creativity & Arts
