Insitute of Mathematical Science

Colloquium:Physical space approach to bilinear estimates and applications to dispersive equations

Colloquium| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time:Friday, November 22th, 2024 , 14:30-15:30

Location:IMS, RS408

Speaker:Yi Zhou, Fudan University


Abstract:The aim of this talk is to introduce a new method for studying the low regularity well posedness for nonlinear wave and Schrodinger equations. we use a new div curl lemma of myself and Wang and myself to combine energy and monentum balance law to yield positive or useful quantities. we then obtain bilinear estimate to solve the nonlinear problem. Before our method, Bourgain space is almost the only method to deal with this kind of problems. We then apply our method to solve a number of nonlinear problem including  the resolution of wei yue Ding 's conjecture for the periodic Schrodinger maps.
