Insitute of Mathematical Science

Seminar:The Nature of Understanding in Mathematics and Beyond

Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time: Tuesday, December 10th, 2024 , 14:00-15:00

LocationIMS, RS408

Speaker: Robert Prentner, Institute of Humanities, ShanghaiTech University


Abstract: Philosophy and mathematics share several common interests. One of them is related to the way humans understand things—how we create or access meanings. One widely known approach goes back to Plato and finds its expression in the doctrine of (mathematical) Platonism. Accordingly, mathematical insight means to grasp an “idea” or “essence” behind the appearance. For example, understanding that the angles of a triangle sum to 180 degrees goes beyond anything that one would infer from empirically given instances of triangles in the (physical) world. This supposedly also highlights a contrast between real mathematicians and AIs.Many famous mathematicians have openly committed to a form of Platonism, even though often only anecdotally. An exception is Roger Penrose, who has been quite explicit about it when it comes to his “three-world ontology” or consciousness. By contrast, some contemporary philosophers are skeptical of Platonism because it often comes with an endorsement of an ontological (abstract) realm behind the physical (concrete) world and has been paired with mysticism (at least since Pythagoras, hence even before Plato).Still, Platonism has become more fashionable again since it can justify a specific epistemological practice. In addition, from a philosophical perspective, it is essential to note that Platonism has many ethical implications. I will thus review some ideas of how to embed quasi-platonic ideas into a modern worldview deeply influenced by science and technology.
