Insitute of Mathematical Science

Colloquium: 星星为什么会发光Why do stars shine?

Colloquium| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time: ThursdayNovember 23th, 2023 , 16:30-17:30
Location:IMS, RS408

Speaker: 罗民兴,北京计算科学研究中心讲座教授和主任Minxing Luo Chair Professor and Director   Beijing Computational Science Research Center 


他本科在浙江大学物理系就读并于1983年获学士学位,随后赴宾夕法尼亚大学物理系深造并于1990年获博士学位。他先后在宾夕法尼亚大学和华盛顿大学做博士后工作;1994年至2020年他任职于浙江大学物理系,历任副教授、教授、讲座教授和理学部主任;罗民兴是中国科学院院士。Professor Minxing Luo is a chair Professor at and the director of the Beijing Computational Science Research Center. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the Zhenjiang University in 1983, and a PhD in physics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1990.  He worked at Penn for a year after graduation before he went to the University of Washington where he spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher.  Professor Luo returned to his alma mater in 1994,  as an associate professor at the beginning, then through the ranks of professor, and chair professor. He served as the dean of the faculty of science at zhejiang University. Professor Luo’s research interests include Quantum Field Theory, high energy physics and high energy density physics. His outstanding research advances have earned him many of the prestigious awards and honors. He was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. 

Abstract人类对璀璨星空的好奇心自古至今未曾减退。星星为何闪耀?本报告将从人类对太阳认识的演变——从古代的宗教视角到现代科学的理论研究——作为切入点,探索这一问题。报告将介绍二十世纪两大辉煌成就,相对论和量子力学,如何对解释恒星发光机制产生了深远影响。此外,报告还将揭示恒星燃烧机制背后隐藏的科学秘密,以及它与粒子物理标准模型的深刻联系。Humans’ fascinations with the brilliant sky have never waned. Why do stars shine? At the onset of the talk, I will address this question by examining how our understanding of the Sun has evolved over the ages - from the ancient religious perspective to the modern scientific theories. I will explain how general relativity and quantum physics, two of the most spectacular achievements in 20th century science, have profoundly influenced our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the glowing of stars. The talk will also attempt to demystify the inner workings of stellar burning, and its deep relationship with the Standard Model of particle physics.    
