Insitute of Mathematical Science

Second Calabi Lecture: Grothendieck Toposes for future AI : imagining new topos-inspired representations of images

Calabi Lecture| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time:Wednesday, November 8th, 2022, 16:00-17:00

Location:R408, IMS


Speaker: Laurent Lafforgue

Abstract: The notion of Topos was introduced by Grothendieck as the broadest mathematical notion to which topological intuitions still apply.

This notion is in fact so general that it allows to imagine completely new mathematical models of many aspects of the world, in particular images, in ways which could be closer to the natural thinking of human minds.

The purpose of the presentation will be to give an idea of the greater freedom for modelling and computing brought by Grothendieck Topos Theory.

Laurent Lafforgue is a researcher at Huawei Technologies France. He attended the École Normale Supérieure in Paris before receiving a Ph.D. in algebraic geometry from the University of Paris in 1994. In 2000 he became a permanent professor at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS), where he held the Huawei Chair in algebraic geometry from 2019 to 2021. He was a research fellow at CNRS. 

Laurent Lafforgue has made outstanding contributions to the Langlands' program, a web of deep conjectures which, in a unifying framework, link harmonic analysis, representation theory, and algebraic geometry. Building on the work of Vladimir Drinfeld, he gave a proof of the Langlands correspondence for general linear groups over function fields. In recent years, he has returned to Grothendieck’s pioneering work on the theory of topos.

Laurent Lafforgue is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Clay Research Prize and the Grand Prix Jacques Herbrand de l'Académie des Sciences.  In 2002 he was awarded the Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing. He received an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Notre Dame in 2011. He is a Member of the French Academy of Sciences and a Knight of the Legion of Honour.
