Insitute of Mathematical Science

Seminar: Nonlocal Filtration Equations on the Heisenberg group

Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time:Wednesday, Apirl 26th, 2023, 10:30-11:30
Location:Online, Tencent Meeting
Speaker: Rong Tang, Johns Hopkins University

AbstractThe integro-differential equations naturally arise from models in physics, engineering, and finance, attracting an increasing level of interest. They are also a natural generalization of fractional differential equations. In this talk, we will discuss the nonlocal integro-differential equations on the Heisenberg group. Firstly, we will discuss the motivation behind studying nonlocal filtration equations on the Heisenberg group. Then, we will explore the existence, uniqueness, and certain qualitative properties of the solutions. Additionally, we will delve into some regularity results, with a particular focus on the Hölder regularity for the porous medium type equations that are under consideration.

Tencent Meeting Room Number: 852-715-506
