Insitute of Mathematical Science

PDE Seminar: Strong ill-posedness of the logarithmically regularized 2D Euler equations in the borderline Sobolev space

PDE Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

TimeThursday, 22:00-23:00 April 9th, 2020



Speaker:   Hyunju Kwon, IAS, Princeton

Abstract:  The well-posedness of the incompressible Euler equations in borderline spaces has attracted much attention in recent years. To understand the behavior of solutions in these spaces, the logarithmically regularized Euler equations were introduced. In borderline Sobolev spaces, local well-posedness was proved Chae-Wu when the regularization is sufficiently strong, while strong ill-posedness of the unregularized case was established by Bourgain-Li. In this talk, I will discuss the strong ill-posedness of the remaining intermediate regime of regularization.

(Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/231529583?pwd=T096VDdMVEYvQ0JwcmNYUEEyeHZaZz09 

Meeting ID: 231 529 583

Password: 005116)
