Insitute of Mathematical Science

Seminar: Symplectic Fano 6-manifolds with a Hamiltonian circle action are simply connected

Seminar | Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time:16:00-17:00, April 18, Thursday

LocationRoom 302, Library

Speaker: Nicolas Lindsay, ShanghaiTech University

Abstract: Symplectic Fano manifolds are a generalisation of complex Fano varieties in symplectic geometry. Known results imply that symplectic Fano manifolds look very much like complex Fanos in low dimensions, but can be quite wild in higher dimensions. In a joint work with Dmitri Panov, we focused on the 6-dimensional case, showing that 6-dimensional symplectic Fano manifolds with a Hamiltonian circle action are simply connected. In this talk I will give the background to the problem and some ideas of the proof.
