Insitute of Mathematical Science

3rd Calabi Lecture:Waving rotating buckling fluid dynamics of filaments at the microscale

Seminar| Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Time: Thursday, June 20th, 2024 , 13:30-14:30

Location:IMS, RS408

Speaker: Lisa Fauci, Tulane University

Abstract: The motion of  undulating or rotating filaments  in a fluid environment is a common element in many biological and engineered systems.   Examples at the microscale include  bacterial flagella propelling a cell body  and engineered helical nanopropellers designed to penetrate mucosal tissue for drug delivery.   Complex fluid environments, such as polymeric networks or confining geometries, can have dramatic effects upon the dynamics of filaments, whether rigid or flexible.  In this talk we will present a mathematical and computational framework used to model these viscosity-dominated flows.  We will investigate a few intriguing systems: actin-like fibers in straining flows that spontaneously buckle into helices,   rigid helical filaments that penetrate and break a polymeric network, and the journey of extremely long and flexible insect flagella through narrow and tortuous female reproductive tracts. 
